Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

General Questions

How often is the data updated?

Every 30 minutes to an hour

When does the first update occur during market hours?

The system typically starts running at 6:30am PST (US time) and the data will refresh by 7:00AM PST (US time). However, the first 30 minutes of the market are typically very volatile. For more reliable results, please wait until 7:30 PST (US time)

Google Sheet-based Options Selling Screener

What is the OpScanBot Google Sheet-based options selling screener and how does it work?

The OpScanBot options selling screener displays option contract information for calls and puts on the sell side. Our technology scans through thousands of contracts, highlighting only those that meet our preset requirements to provide traders with valuable insight into potential contracts while saving significant time. The data is usually refreshed every thirty minutes to an hour, and each customer will get their own personal Google sheet that they can customize based on their own preferences.

What happens if I am using a non-Gmail email? Can I still access the scanner in Google Sheets?

If you have a non-Gmail email (i.e. Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail, iCloud, or others), you can access your screener as long as you have a Google account with the email you signed up with.

If you have not done so, please sign up for a Google account using the email you signed up with here.

If you are still having issues accessing after completing the sign up with your non-Gmail email, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

When will I receive my order?

You will receive your own Google-sheet based options selling screener by email typically within 1 business day. Don’t forget to double check your spam or junk folder.

If there is a free trial period available, it begins at the time you receive access to your personal Google sheet screener.

If you have not received it within 2 days, please contact us.

How do I manage my subscription?

You can self-manage your subscription through the Stripe Portal.

How do I apply the promo code?

Within the Stripe checkout page, there will be a box for you to input the promo code. Please do so and the price will be reflected with the discounted price.

Web-based Options Selling Screener

What is the OpScanBot Web-based options selling screener and how does it work?

For those who wants flexibility to browse through computer or mobile, the web-based options selling screener is for you. Similar to Google Sheet, our technology scans through thousands of contracts, highlighting only those that meet our preset requirements to provide traders with valuable insight into potential contracts while saving significant time. The data is usually refreshed every thirty minutes to an hour. You can also customize based on your own preferences.

When will I be able to access the Web-based Options Selling Screener?

Once you signed up, access is immediate!

How do I manage my subscription?

You can self-manage your membership and subscription through the membership portal.

What do I do after Free Trial?

If you like it and would like to continue, please go ahead and sign up the monthly or annual package.

If you do not wish to continue, nothing. You can also choose to delete your account.

How do I apply the promo code?

After you choose a web-based product and move onto the check out page, there is a small box for promo code. Please input promo code and the price should now reflect the discounted price.